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List C Recent and forthcoming publications |
Aldous, J.M. and Wilson, R.J.
Graphs and Applications: An Introductory Approach, Springer, to appear.
Allen, S.M., Hurley, S., Smith, D.H. and Thiel, S.U.
Using lower bounds in minimum span frequency assignment,
Meta-Heuristics: Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for
Optimization (A. Voss, S. Martello, I.H. Osman and C. Roucairol, eds.),
Kluwer (1999), 191-204.
Allen, S.M., Smith, D.H. and Hurley, S.
Lower bounding techniques for frequency assignment,
Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 197-198 (1999), 41-52.
Allston, J.L., Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S., Quinn, K.A.S. and Stanton, R.G.
On exact bicoverings of 12 points, submitted.
Anderson, I.
On the construction of balanced room squares,
Discrete Maths, 197/198 (1999), 53-60.
Balancing carry-over effects in tournaments, in Combinatorial Designs and their Applications (Holroyd, F.C.,Quinn, K.A.S., Rowley, C.A. and Webb, B.S., editors),CRC Press Research Notes in Mathematics, 403 (1999).
Early whist tournaments of Whitfeld and Mitchell, and a hidden treasure,
Bulletin of I.C.A., to appear.
Anderson, I. and Finizio, N.J.
On the construction of directed triplewhist tournaments,
Utilitas Math., to appear.
Anderson, I., Finizio, N.J. and Leonard, P.A.
New product theorems for whist tournaments, J. Combinatorial Theory A, 88
(1999), 162-166.
Anderson, I. and Griggs, T.S.
Anstice and Kirkman: mathematical clerics, Mathematical Intelligencer, 21
(1999), 44-46.
Andrews, G.E. and Lewis, R.P.
An algebraic identity of F.H. Jackson and its implications for
partitions, submitted.
The ranks and cranks of partitions moduli 2, 3 and 4, submitted.
Restricted bipartitions, submitted.
Andrews, G.E., Lewis, R.P. and Liu, Z-G.
An identity relatlng a theta function and a sum of Lambert series,
Bull. London Math. Soc., to appear.
Anthony, M. and Bartlett, P.
Neural Network Learning: Theoretical Foundations,
Cambridge University Press, November 1999.
Accuracy of techniques for the logical analysis of data.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 96-97 (1999), 247-257.
Anthony, M. and Holden S.B.
Cross-validation for binary classification by real-valued functions:
theoretical analysis, CDAM Research Report 99-07.
Araujo, I.M. and Ruskuc, N.
On finite presentability of direct products of semigroups,
Algebra Colloq., to appear.
Araujo, I.M. and Ruskuc, N.
Finite presentability of Bruck-Reilly extensions of groups, submitted.
Arrowsmith, D.K and Essam, J.W.
Chromatic Polynomials and mod-l Flows on directed graphs and their applications,
CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, 23 (1999), 1-20.
Arthur, R.E. and Ruskuc, N.
Presentations for two extensions of the monoid of order-preserving mappings on
a finite set, Southeast Asian Math. Bull., to appear.
Atkinson, M.D.
Restricted permutations, Discrete Mathematics, 195 (1998), 27-38.
Atkinson, M.D., and Beals, R.
Permuting mechanisms and closed classes of permutations,
Australian Computer Science Communications, 21 (3), Combinatorics,
Computation & Logic, Proceedings of DMTCS '99 and CATS '99, 117-127,
Springer-Verlag, Singapore (1999).
Atkinson, M.D. and Sack, J.~VR.
Sorting with parallel pop stacks, Information Processing Letters, 70 (1999),
Atkinson, M.D., Willigenburg, S. van, and Pfeiffer, G.
The p-modular descent algebras, submitted.
Ayik, H., Campbell, C.M., O'Connor, J.J. and Ruskuc, N.
The semigroup efficiency of groups and monoids, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad.
Sect. A, to appear.
On the efficiency of wreath products of groups, in
Proc. Groups Korea '98 (A.C. Kim ed.), Walter de Gruyter,
Berlin/New York (2000), 39-51.
Ayik, H. and Ruskuc, N.
Generators and relations of Rees matrix semigroups, Proc. Edinburgh
Math. Soc., 42 (1999), 481-495.
Bang-Jensen, J. and Gutin, G.
Directed Graphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications, to be published by
Springer (2000), 600-650.
On the complexity of Hamiltonian path and cycle problems in certain classes of
digraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 95 (1999), 41-60.
Baranov, A.S. Kleshchev, A.S.and Zalesski, A.E.
Asymptotic behaviour of modular representations of symmetric groups and
almost simple group rings, J. Algebra, 219 (1999), 506-530.
Bedford, D., Ollis, M.A. and Whitaker, R.
On bipartite tournaments balanced with respect to carry-over effects for
both teams, submitted.
Bedford, D. and Whitaker, R.
Enumeration of transversals in the Cayley tables of the non-cyclic
groups of order 8, Discrete Mathematics, 197-198 (1999), 1-3.
New and old values for Maximal MOLS(n), Ars Combinatoria, to appear.
Large sets of mutually quasi-orthogonal Latin squares, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, to appear.
The maximum number of Latin squares in a mutually quasi-orthogonal set, Math., to appear.
A new construction for efficient semi-Latin squares, submitted.
Bell, F.K.
Characterizing line graphs by star complements, Linear Algebra
Appl., 296 (1999), 15-25.
Bell, F.K., Cvetkovic, D., Rowlinson, P. and Simic, S.
Some additions to the theory of star partitions of graphs,
Discussiones Mathematicae, to appear.
Bell, S., Jones, P. and Siemons, I.J.
On modular homology in the Boolean algebra II, Journal of
Algebra, 199 (1998), 556-580.
[see also: Rowlinson]
Bennell, J.A. and Dowsland, K.A.
A tabu thresholding implementation for the irregular stock cutting
problem, International Journal of Production Research, 37(18), (1999),
Bennett, G.K., Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
Bi-embeddings of the projective space PG(3,2), J. Statist. Plann.
Inference, to appear.
Cyclic bi-embeddings of Steiner triple systems on 31 points, Glasg. Math. J., to appear.
Bi-embeddings of Steiner triple systems of order 15, Graphs Combin., to
Biggs, N.
Chip-firing and the critical group of a graph, Journal of Algebraic
Combinatorics, 9 (1999), 25-45.
The Tutte polynomial as a growth function, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 10 (1999), 115-133.
A matrix method for chromatic polynomials, CDAM Research Report Series 99-03.
The chromatic polynomial of the 3 x n toroidal square lattice, CDAM Research Report Series 99-05.
Chromatic polynomials for twisted bracelets CDAM Research Report Series
Biggs, N. and Shrock, R.
T=0 partition functions for Potts antiferromagnets on square lattice
strips with (twisted) periodic boundary conditions, Journal of Physics A.,
32 (1999), 489-493.
Biliotti, M., Jha, V. and Johnson, N. L.
The collineation groups of generalized twisted field planes, Geom.
Dedic., 76 (1999), 97-126.
Billington, E.J., Hoffman, D.G. and Maenhaut, B.M.
Group divisible pentagon systems, Util. Math., 55 (1999), 211-
Blackburn, S.R.
Perfect hash families: probabilistic methods and explicit
constructions', J. Comb. Theory A, to appear.
Cryptanalysis of a public key cryptosystem due to Wu and Dawson', IEEE Proc. Computers and Digital Techniques, 146(4), (1999), 185-186.
Groups of prime power order with derived subgroup of prime order, J. Algebra, 219 (1999), 625-657.
The linear complexity of the self-shrinking generator, IEEE Trans. Inform.
Theory, 45(6), (1999), 2073-2077.
Blackburn, S.R. and Galbraith, S.D.
Certification of secure RSA keys ,Electronics Letters, 36(1)
(2000), 29-30.
Cryptanalysis of two cryptosystems based on group actions', in Advances in
Cryptology, ASIACRYPT '99, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1716, K.Y.
Lam, (Okamoto, E. and Xing, C. eds.) Springer, Berlin, (1999), 52-61.
Bonnington, C.P., Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Siran, J.
Exponential families of non-isomorphic triangulations of complete
graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, to appear.
Borodin, O.V., Kostochka, A.V. and Woodall, D.R.
On kernel-perfect orientations of line graphs, Discrete Math.,
191 (1998), 45-49.
Acyclic colourings of planar graphs with large girth, J. London Math.
Soc., to appear.
Borodin, O.V. and Woodall, D.R.
Cyclic degrees of 3-polytopes, Graphs Combin., 15 (1999), 267-
Short cycles of low weight in normal plane maps with minimum degree 5, Discus. Math. Graph Theory, 18 (1998), 159-164.
Weights of faces in plane maps, [in Russian] Mat. Zametki, 64 (1998), 648-657.
Cyclic colourings of 3-polytopes with large maximum face size, submitted.
Bowler, A., Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Quinn, K.A.S.
On directed designs with block size five, J. Geom., to appear.
Brailsford, S.C., Potts, C.N. and Smith, B.M.
Constraint satisfaction problems: algorithms and applications, European
Journal of Operational Research 119 (1999) 557-581.
Brak, R. and Essam, J.W.
Directed Compact percolation near a wall III: Exact results for the mean
length and number of contacts, J. Phys A: Math. Gen, 32 (1999), 355-367.
Brak, R., Essam, J.W. and Owczarek. A.L.
Partial difference equation method for lattice path problems, Annals
of Combinatorics, 3 (1999), 265-75.
>From the Bethe Ansatz to the Gessel-Viennot theorem, Annals of Combinatorics, 3 (1999), 251-63.
Exact solution of N directed non-intersecting walks interacting with one or two
boundaries, J. Phys A: Math. Gen, 32 (1999), 2921-2929.
Brien, C.J. and Payne, R.W.
Tiers, structure formulae and the analysis of complicated experiments, The
Statistician, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D, 48 (1999),
Brightwell, G.
Balanced pairs in partial orders. Discrete Mathematics, 201
(1999), 25-52.
Brightwell, G., Grable, D. A. and Prömel, H.J.
Forbidden induced partial orders, Discrete Mathematics, 201
(1999), 53-80.
Brightwell, G., Häggström, O. and Winkler, P.
Nonmonotonic behavior in hard-core and Widom-Rowlinson models,
Journal of Statistical Physics, 94 (1999), 415-435.
Brightwell, G. and Winkler, P.
Graph homomorphisms and phase transitions, J. Combinatorial Theory
(B), 77 (1999), 221-262.
Brightwell, G., Bollobás, B. and Sidorenko, A.
Geometrical techniques for estimating numbers of linear extensions,
European J. Combinatorics, 20 (1999), 329-335.
Brightwell, G. and West, D.
Partially ordered sets, Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial
Mathematics (K. H. Rosen Ed.-in-Chief), CRC Press (1999), 717-752.
Brightwell, G. and Trotter, W.T.
A combinatorial approach to correlation inequalities, CDAM Research
Report Series, 99-10.
Bubley, R., Dyer, M., Greenhill, C. and Jerrum, M.
On approximately counting colourings of small degree graphs,
SIAM Journal on Computing, 29 (1999), 387-400.
Burgess, D.R.B. and Keedwell, A.D.
Weakly completable critical sets for proper vertex and edge colourings
of graphs, submitted.
Burkard, R. E. and Deineko, V.G.
On the travelling salesman problem with a relaxed Monge matrix,
Information Processing Letters, 67 (1998), 231-237.
Burkard, R.E., Deineko, V.G., Van Dal, R., Van der Veen, J.A.A. and
Woeginger, G.J.
Well-Solvable Special Cases of the TSP: A Survey, SIAM Review, 40
(3), (1998), 496-546.
Burkard R.E., Deineko V.G., and Woeginger G.J.
The travelling salesman problem on permuted Monge matrices, Journal
of Combinatorial Optimisation, 2 (1999), 333-350.
The travelling salesman and the PQ-tree, Mathematics of Operations
Research, 24 (1), (1999), 262-272.
Cairnie, N.and Edwards, K.J.
The Computational Complexity of Cordial and Equitable Labelling,
Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
Camina, A.R.
Block-transitive, point-intransitive block designs, Combinatorial
designs and their applications, Research Notes in Mathematics, 403
(1999), 71-82.
Camina, A.R. and Praeger C.E.
Line-transitive, point quasi-primitive automorphism groups of finite
linear spaces are affine or almost simple. Aequationes Mathematicae, 58
(1999) 1-12.
Camina, A.R. and Spiezia, F.
Sporadic Groups and Automorphisms of Linear Spaces, J. Combinatorial
Design, to appear.
Campbell, C.M., Robertson, E.F., Ruskuc, N. and Thomas, R.M.
Automatic semigroups, Theoret. Comput. Sci., to appear.
Direct products of automatic semigroups, J. Austral. Math. Soc., to appear.
Automatic completely-simple semigroups, submitted.
[see also: Ayik]
Chen, B.
A review of on-line machine scheduling: Algorithms and competitiveness,
Mathematical Theory and Applications, 19 (1999), 1-15.
LPT sequencing - Encyclopaedia of Mathematics (M. Hazewinkel, Editor-in-Chief), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, to appear.
UET scheduling - Encyclopaedia of Mathematics (M. Hazewinkel, Editor-in-Chief),
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, to appear.
Chen, B., Du, D., Han, J. and Wen, J.
On-line scheduling of small open shops, submitted.
Chen, B., Hassin, R. and Tzur, M.
Allocation of bandwidth and storage, submitted.
Chen, B., Potts, C.N. and Woeginger, G.J.
A review of machine scheduling: Complexity, algorithms and
approximability, Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization Vol. 3 (Editors: Du, D.-
Z. and Pardalos, P.), 1998, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 21-169.
Chen, B. and Yu, W.
How good is a dense shop schedule? Acta Mathematicae Applicatae
Sinica, (1999), to appear.
Christie, D.A. and Irving, R.W.
Sorting strings by reversals and transpositions, submitted.
Colbourn, C.J., Ling, A.C.H., Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
Construction techniques for anti-Pasch Steiner triple systems, J.
London Math. Soc., to appear.
Cooper, S., Hirschhorn, M.D and Lewis, R.P.
Powers of Euler's product
and related identities, The Ramanujan Journal, to appear.
Corradi, K., Sands, A.D. and Szabo, S.
Factoring by simulated subsets II, Comm. Algebra, 27 (1999),
Cossidente, A., Hirschfeld, J.W.P., Korchmaros, G. and Torres, F.
plane maximal curves, Compositio Math., to appear.
Crauwels, H.A.J., Hariri, A.M.A., Potts, C.N. and Van Wassenhove, L.N.
Branch and bound algorithms for single-machine scheduling with batch
set-up times to minimize total weighted completion time, Annals of Operations
Research, 83 (1998), 59-76.
Cropper, M., Goldwasser, J.L., Hilton, A.J.W.
The scope of three colouring conjectures, J. Combinatorial Math. and
Combinatorial Computing, to appear.
Cropper, M., Goldwasser, J.L., Hilton, A.J.W., Hoffman, D.G. and Johnson,
P.D. Jr.
Extending the disjoint representatives theorems of Hall, Halmos
and Vaughan to List- Multicolourings of graphs, J. Graph Theory, to
Cropper, M., and Hilton, A.J.W.
The Hall parameters of complete and complete bipartite graphs,
Crvenkovic, S., Dolinka, I. and Ruskuc, N.
Finite semigroups with few term operations, J. Pure Appl.
Algebra, to appear.
Crvenkovic, S., Dolinka, I. and Ruskuc, N.
The Berman conjecture is true for finite surjective semigroups and their
inflations, Semigroup Forum, to appear.
Crvenkovic, S., Dolinka, I. and Ruskuc, N.
Notes on the number of operations of finite semigroups, Acta Sci.
Math. (Szeged), to appear.
Cryan, M., Goldberg, L.A. and Phillips, C.A.
Approximation Algorithms for the Fixed-Topology Phylogenetic Number
Problem, Algorithmica, 25 (1999), 311-329.
Cvetkovic, D., Lepovic, M., Rowlinson P. and Simic, S
A database of star complements of graphs, Univ. Beograd Publ.
Elektrotehn Fak. Ser. Mat., 9 (1998), 3-112.
Cvetkovic, D., Lepovic, M., Rowlinson, P. and Simic, S.
The maximal exceptional graphs, submitted.
Cvetkovic, D., Rowlinson P. and Simic, S.
Some characterizations of graphs by star complements, Linear Algebra
Appl., to appear.
Daneshgar, A., Hilton, A.J.W., and Johnson, P.D. Jr.
Relations among
the fractional chromatic, choice, Hall and Hall-condition numbers of simple
graphs, submitted.
Davis, J.A. and Jedwab, J.
Peak-to-mean power control in OFDM, Golay complementary sequences, and
Reed-Muller codes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, (1999), 2397-
A unified approach to difference sets with gcd(v,n)>1, in Difference Sets, Sequences and Their Correlation Properties (ed. Pott, A. et al), NATO Science Series C, Vol. 542, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1999), 113- 132.
A new family of relative difference sets in 2-groups, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, (1999), 305-312.
Some recent developments in difference sets, in Combinatorial Designs and
their Applications (ed. Holroyd, F.C. et al), Chapman & Hall/CRC Press
Research Notes in Mathematics, CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton (1999), 83-102.
Davis, J.A., Jedwab, J. and Paterson, K.G.
Codes, correlations and power control in OFDM, in Difference Sets,
Sequences and Their Correlation Properties (ed. Pott, A. et al), NATO
Science Series C, Vol. 542, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1999), 85-
de Caen, D., van Dam, E.R. and Spence, E.
A nonregular analogue of conference graphs, J.Combinatorial Theory A,
(1999), 194-204.
Deineko, V.G., Rudolf, R. and Woeginger, G. J.
Sometimes Travelling is Easy: The Master Tour Problem, SIAM Journal
on Discrete Mathematics, 11(1), (1998), 81-93.
Deineko, V.G. and Woeginger, G. J. A.
Solvable Case of the Quadratic Assignment Problem, Operations
Research Letters, 22 (1998), 13-17.
[see also: Burkhard]
Dénes, J. and Keedwell, A.D.
Some applications of non-associative algebraic systems in cryptography,
Dénes, J. and Owens, P.J.
Some new latin power sets not based on groups, Journal of combinatorial
Theory (A), 85 (1999), 69-82.
Dent, S. and Siemons, I.J.
On a conjecture of Foulkes, Journal of Algebra, to appear.
Duncan, A.J., Robertson E.F. and Ruskuc, N.
Automatic monoids and change of generators, Math. Proc. Cambridge
Philos. Soc., 127 (1999), 403-409.
Dugdale, J.K., Eslahchi, Ch. and Hilton, A.J.W.
The Hall-condition of a graph and the overfull conjecture, J.
Combinatorial Math. and Combinatorial Computing, to appear.
Dugdale, J.K.,and Hilton, A.J.W.
A sufficient condition for a graph to be the core of a class 2 graph,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, to appear.
Dugdale, J.K., Hilton, A.J.W. and Wojciechowski, J.
Fractional latin
squares, simplex algebras and generalized quotients, in The Algebra and
Geometry of Designs, (Colbourn, C. and Deza, M. eds.), special volume of
J. Statistical Planning and Inference in honour of R. Stanton, to appear.
Dyer, M., Frieze, A. and Jerrum, M.
On counting independent sets in sparse graphs, Proceedings of the 40th
IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'99), IEEE Computer
Society Press, (1999), 210-217.
Dyer, M., Goldberg, L.A., Greenhill, C., Jerrum, M. and Mitzenmacher, M.
An extension of path coupling and its application to the Glauber
dynamics for graph colourings, to appear in Proceedings of the ACM-SIAM
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 11 (2000).
[see also: Bubley]
Ebert, G.L. and Hirschfeld, J.W.P.
Complete systems of lines on a
Hermitian surface over a finite field, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 17 (1999),
Edwards, K.J.
The Harmonious Chromatic Number of Complete $r$-ary Trees, Discrete
Mathematics, 203 (1999), 83-99.
Achromatic Number versus Pseudoachromatic Number: A Counterexample to a Conjecture of Hedetniemi, Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
[see also: Cairnie]
Eslahchi, Ch., Hilton, A.J.W., and Johnson,P.D. Jr.
Progress on the
Hall-Number-Two problem, Australasian J. of Combinatorics, to appear.
Escott, A.E. and Perkins, S.
Binary Huffmann equivalent codes with a short synchronising codeword,
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 44 (1), (1998), 346-351.
[Essam, J.W.; see: Arrowsmith, Brak]
Evans, D.M.
0-categorical structures with a pre-dimension, pre-print.
Feng, R.-Q., Kwak, J.H. and Lloyd, E.K.
Isomorphism classes of authentication codes, submitted.
Fishburn, P.C. and Woodall, D.R
Cycle orders, Order, to appear
Fitzpatrick, P. and Jennings, S. M.
Comparison of two algorithms for decoding alternant codes, AAECC,
9 (1998), 211 - 220.
Fleischner, H., Hilton, A.J.W. and Johnstone, W.R.
R-regular r-connected decompositions of complete graphs, J.
Combinatorial Designs, to appear.
Flury, B.D., Gloria, M.N. and Irving, R.W.
Magic dice, American Maths. Monthly, (1999), 324-337.
Fon-Der-Flaass, D.G., Kostochka, A.V. and Woodall, D.R.
Transversals in uniform hypergraphs with property (7,2), Discrete
Math., 207 (1999), 277-284.
Foster, W. and Krasikov, I.
Bounds on Polynomials with Restricted Coefficients and the Prouhet-
Terry-Escott Problem, submitted.
Ganley, M. J., Jha, V. and Johnson, N. L.
The Translation Planes Admitting a Nonsolvable Doubly Transitive Line-
Sized Orbit, J. Geom, to appear.
Gerace, I. and Irving, R.W.
The travelling salesman problem in circulant graphs, submitted.
Gerodimos, A.E., Glass, C.A. and Potts, C.N.
Scheduling the production of two-component jobs on a single machine,
European Journal of Operational Research, 120 (2000), 250-259.
Gerodimos, A.E., Glass, C.A., Potts, C.N. and Tautenhahn, T.
Scheduling multi-operation jobs on a single machine, Annals of
Operations Research, 92 (1999) 87-105.
Glass, C.A. and Potts, C.N.
Structural properties of lot streaming in a flow shop, Mathematics of
Operations Research, 23 (1998), 624-639.
Glover, F., Gutin, G., Yeo, A. and Zverovich, A.
Construction heuristics for the asymmetric TSP, to appear in European
Journal of Operational Research.
Goldberg, L.A., Goldberg, P.W., Paterson, M., Pevzner, P., Sahinalp, S.C.
and Sweedyk, E.
The Complexity of Gene Placement, Proceedings of the ACM-SIAM
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 10 (1999), 386-395.
Goldberg, L.A. and Jerrum, M.
Randomly Sampling Molecules, SIAM Journal on Computing, 29(3),
(1999), 834-853.
Counting unlabelled subtrees of a tree is P-Complete, (1999) submitted.
Counting unlabelled subtrees of a tree is P-complete, Internal Report ECS-LFCS-99-417, University of Edinburgh, November 1999.
[see also: Cyan, Dyer]
Gordon, N.A., Jarvis, T.M. and Shaw, R.
The classes of GL(n,2), n ≤ 6, submitted.
Gore, V.K. and Jerrum M.
The Swendsen-Wang process does not always mix rapidly, Journal of
Statistical Physics, 97 (1999), 67-86.
Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
Configurations in Steiner triple systems, in Combinatorial Designs
and their Applications (eds. F. C. Holroyd, K. A. S. Quinn, C. Rowley and B.
S. Webb), Chapman & Hall / CRC Press Research Notes in Mathematics series,
403 (1999), 103-126.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Holroyd, F.C.
Modular gracious labellings of trees, submitted .
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Murphy, J.P.
Some new perfect Steiner triple systems, J. Combin. Des., 7
(1999), 327-330.
Switching cycles in Steiner triple systems, Util. Math., 56 (1999), 3-21.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Quinn, K.A.S.
Mendelsohn directed triple systems, Discrete Math., 205 (1999),
All admissible 3-(v,4,l)
directed designs exist, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., to appear.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S., Quinn, K.A.S. and Stanton, R.G.
A census of minimal pair-coverings with restricted largest block
length, Ars Combin., 52 (1999), 71-96.
Triple systems with tripoints, Ars Combin., to appear.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Rosa, A.
Three-line chromatic indices of Steiner triple systems, Australas. J.
Combin., to appear.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Wallace, J.
The smallest defining set of a Steiner triple system, Util.
Math., 55 (1999), 113-121.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Whitehead, C.A.
The resolution of the anti-Pasch conjecture, J. Combin. Des., to
Grannell, M.J. and Rosa, A.
Cycles in 2-factorizations, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 29
(1999), 41-64.
[see also: Allston, Bennet, Bonnington, Bowler, Colbourn]
[Greenhill, C.; see: Bubley, Dyer]
Griggs, T.S.
More on spheres in n-dimensions, M-Scape, 12 (1999), 7-8.
[see also: Allston, Anderson, Bennet, Bonnington, Barker, Colbourn, Grannell]
Gulpinar, N., Gutin, G., Mitra, G. and Maros, I.
Detecting embedded network structures in linear programs, to appear in
Computational Optimisation and Applications.
Gulpinar, N., Gutin, G., Mitra, G. and Zverovich, A.
Generalized signed graphs and networks structures in linear programs,
Gupta, J.N.D., Hariri, A.M.A and Potts, C.N.
Single-machine scheduling to minimize maximum tardiness with minimum
number of tardy jobs, Annals of Operations Research, 92 (1999), 107-123.
Gutin, G., Tewes, M. and Yeo, A.
Longest paths in strong spanning oriented subgraphs of strong
semicomplete multipartite digraphs, submitted.
Gutin, G. and Yeo, A.
Polynomial approximation algorithms for the TSP and the QAP with a
factorial domination number, Discrete Applied Mathematics, to appear.
Kings in semi-complete multipartite digraphs, Journal of Graph Theory, to appear.
Quasi-hamiltonian digraphs: a series of necessary conditions for a digraph to be hamiltonian, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, to appear.
Solution of a conjecture of Volkmann on the number of vertices in longest paths and cycles of strong semicomplete multipartite digraphs, Graphs & Combinatorics, to appear.
TSP tour domination and Hamilton cycle decompositions of regular digraphs, submitted.
[see also: Bang-Jensen, Glover, Gulpinar]
Hamilton, G.M., Hilton, A.J.W. and Hind, H.R.F.
Totally critical even order graphs, J. Combinatorial Theory (B),
76 (1999), 262-279.Totally critical graphs and the conformability,conjecture, in
Graph Colouring and its Applications (Pierre Hansen and Odile Marcotte,
eds.) Lecture Notes and Proceedings of CRM, American Math. Soc., 23 (1999), 43-
Hammond, P.R., Lewis, R.P. and Liu, Z.-G.
Hirschhorn's identities,
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 60 (1999), 73-80.
Hermann, P.Z., Robertson, E.F. and Ruskuc, N.
On products of all elements of a finite semigroup, Proc. Edinburgh
Math. Soc., 42 (1999), 551-557.
van den Heuvel, J. and Jackson, B.
On the edge connectivity, hamiltonicity and toughness of vertex-
transitive graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory (B), 77 (1999), 138-
Algorithmic Aspects of a Chip-firing Game, CDAM Research Report Series,
van den Heuvel, J. and McGuinness, S.
Colouring the Square of a Planar Graph, CDAM Research Report
Series, 99-06.
Hill, R.
An extension theorem for linear codes, Designs, Codes and
Cryptography, 17 (1999), 151-157.
Book review of "Projective Geometries over Finite Fields", by Hirschfeld,
J.W.P., Bull London Math Soc., 31 (1999), 759-760.
Hill. R., and Kolev, E.
A survey of recent results on optimal linear codes, in Combinatorial
Designs and their Applications, Chapman and Hall/ CRC Press Research Notes in
Mathematics, (Holroyd F.C. et al ed), CRC Press, Boca Raton (1999), 127-152.
An improved lower bound on the covering number K2(9,1), Discrete Math.
197/198 (1999), 483-489.
Hill, R., Landjev, I., Jones, C.M., Storme, L. and Barat, J.
On complete caps in the projective geometries over F3, Journal of
Geometry, to appear.
Hilton, A.J.W.
The overfull conjecture and the conformability conjecture, Institute
of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (Tehran), Proc. Combin. Day VII,
(1997), 15-19.
Hilton, A.J.W. and Ferencak, M.
Outline triple systems of even index, submitted.
Hilton, A.J.W. and Hind, H.R.F.
Non-conformable subgraphs of non-conformable graphs, submitted.
Hilton, A.J.W., Holroyd, F.C. and Zhao, C.
The overfull conjecture and
the conformability conjecture, Discrete Math., to appear.
Hilton, A.J.W. and Johnson, P.D.Jr.
The Hall number,the Hall index and
the total Hall number of a graph, Discrete Applied Math., 94 (1999), 227-
Hilton, A.J.W. and Johnstone, W.R.
Some problems about r-factorizations of complete graphs, submitted.
Hilton, A.J.W., Nash-Williams, C.St.J.A., and Rodger, C.A.,
Hamiltonian double latin squares, submitted.
Hilton, A.J.W., Slivnik, T.
The solution of a problem of Fuchs about latin squares, submitted.
Hilton, A.J.W., Slivnik, T. and Stirling, D.S.G.
Aspects of edge-
colouring, Discrete Math., to appear.
Hilton, A.J.W. and Stirling, D.S.G.
The dual of an identity of
Ahlswade and Zhang, Congressus Numerantium, 103 (1998), 113-126.
Hilton, A.J.W. and Wojciechowski, J.
Amalgamating infinite latin
squares, submitted.
[see also: Cropper, Daneshgar, Dugdale, Eslahchi, Fleischer, Hamilton]
Hiramine, Y., Jha, V. and Johnson, N. L.
Quadratic extensions of flag-transitive planes, European Journal of
Combinatorics, 20 (1999), 797-818.
Hirschfeld, J.W.P. and Korchmaros, G.
Arcs and curves over a finite field, Finite Fields Appl., 5
(1999), 393-408.
On the number of solutions of an equation over a finite field, Bull. London Math. Soc., to appear.
[see also: Cassidente, Ebert]
Hoggar, S.G., McAlpine, K. and Miranda, E.T.
Making music with algorithms, Computer Music Journal, 41 (1999),
Music composition as a means of pattern propagation, Proc. XII Colloquium
on Musical Informatics, Gorizia, Italy (1998), 105-108.
Hoggar, S.G. and Menzies, L.
Fractal compression and the jigsaw property I, The Computer
Journal, 41 (1998), 319-336.
[Holroyd, F.C.; see: Granell, Hilton)
Hurley, S., Smith, D.H. and Valenzuela, C.
A permutation based genetic algorithm for minimum span frequency
assignment, Proceedings 5th International Conference on Problem Solving from
Nature, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1498 (eds. A.E. Eiben, T.
Bäck, M. Schoenauer and H.-P. Schwefel) Springer Verlag (1998), 907-916.
Hurley, S. and Smith, D.H.
Meta-heuristics and channel assignment, Methods and Algorithms for
Radio Channel Assignment (ed. R. Leese), OUP, to appear.
Irving, R.W. and Manlove, D.F.
The b-chromatic number of a graph, Discrete Applied Math., 91
(1999), 127-141.
[see also: Christie, Flury, Gerace]
Iwanda, K., Manlove D., Miyazaki, S. and Morita, Y .
Stable marriage with incomplete lists and ties, in Proc. ICALP'99,
Notes in Computer Science, 1644, Springer-Verlag (1999), 443-452.
[Jackson, B.; see: van den Heuvel]
Jackson, P.S. and Rowlinson, P.
On graphs with complete bipartite star complements, Linear Algebra
Appl., 298 (1999), 9-20.
[Jedwick, J.; see: Davis]
Jendrol, S. and Owens, P.J.
On light graphs in 3-connected plane
graphs without triangular or quadrangular faces, submitted.
Jennings, S.M. and Hashim, A.
A Class of Nested Linear Block Codes and Their Decoding Algorithm,
[see also: Fitzpatrick]
[Jerrum, M.; see: Bubley, Dyer, Gore]
Jha, V., and Johnson, N. L.
Cyclic Ostrom planes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 16 (1999),
Characterization of Translation Planes by Orbit Lengths, G. Dedicata, 78
(1999), 69-80.
Jha, V., Biliotti, M. and Johnson, N. L.
The collineation groups of generalized twisted field planes, Geom.
Dedic., 76 (1999), 97-126.
[see also: Biliotti, Ganley, Hiramine]
[Johnstone, W.R.; see: Fleischer, Hilton]
Jones, G.A.
Counting normal subgroups of non-euclidean crystallographic groups,
Math. Scandinavica, to appear.
Jones, G.A. and Klin, M.
On polycirculant graphs and groups, in preparation.
Jones, G.A., Klin, M. and Lazebnik, F.
Automorphic subsets of the n-dimensional cube, Beiträge
zur Algebra und Geometrie, to appear.
Jones, G.A. and Surowski, D.B.
Regular Cyclic Coverings of the Platonic Maps, European J.
Combinatorics, to appear.
[see also: Surowski]
[Jones, P.; see: Bell]
Keedwell, A.D.
What is the size of the smallest latin square for which a weakly
completable critical set of cell exists?, Ars combinatoria, 51 (1999),
Crossed-inverse quasigroups with long inverse cycles and applications to cryptography, Australasian Journal Combin., 20 (1999).
Designing tournaments with the aid of latin squares: a presentation of old and new results, submitted.
Square/triangular numbers, to appear as a Note in Gazette, July 2000.
A characterisation of the logarithms of a finite field, submitted.
Construction, properties and applications of finite neofields, submitted.
[see also: Burgess, Dénes, Sittampalam]
King Sing, R.H.T.
The coupling effect in fault-based testing, Software Testing,
Verification and Reliability, to appear.
Kondratiev, A.S. and Zalesski, A.E.
Linear groups of small degrees over residue rings, submitted.
Kostochka, A.V. and Woodall, D.R.
On the number of edges in hypergraphs critical with respect to strong
colourings, European J. Combin., to appear.
Sparse sets in the complements of graphs with given girth, submitted.
Choosability conjectures and multicircuits, submitted.
Density conditions for panchromatic colourings of hypergraphs, submitted.
Total choosability of multicircuits I, submitted.
Krasikov, I.
Nonnegative quadratic forms and bounds on orthogonal polynomials,
Krasikov, I. and Litsyn, S.
On the distance distribution of duals of BCH codes, IEEE Trans.
Information Theory, to appear.
On the distance distribution of BCH codes and their duals, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, to appear.
An improved upper bound on the minimum distance of doubly even self-dual codes,
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, to appear.
Krasikov, I. and Roditty, Y.
On some Ramsey numbers of uni-cyclic graphs, submitted.
Lamb, J.D. and Preece, D.A.
Surveys in Combinatorics, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series
(C.U.P.), 267 (1999).
Lauder, A.G.B. and Paterson, K.G.,
Computing the error linear complexity
profile of a binary sequence of period 2n, submitted.
Lewis, R.P. and Liu, Z-G.
On two identities of Ramanujan, The Ramanujan Journal, 3 (1999),
On an identity of Ramanujan, submitted.
A conjecture of Hirschhorn on the 4-dissection of Ramanujan's continued fraction, submitted.
[see also: Andrews, Cooper, Hammond]
Linton, S.A.
A new view of coset enumeration, submitted.
Linton, S.A., Pfeiffer, G., Robertson, E.F. and Ruskuc, N.
Computing in transformation monoids, submitted.
Liu, B. and Rowlinson, P.
Dominating properties of star complements, Publ. Inst. Math.
Beograd, to appear.
Lloyd, E.K.
Reaction graphs and Cayley diagrams, Proceedings of the Summer School
and International Conference on Combinatorics (Hefei, China, 1997), to
Some graphs associated with the seven point plane, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 20 (2000), to appear.
Royal Mail 4-state barcodes, Mathematical Gazette, (Nov 2000), to appear.
[see also: Feng]
Luczak, M. and Noble, S.
Optimal Arrangement of Data in a Tree Directory, Discrete Applied
Mathematics, to appear.
Maenhaut, B.M.
The intersection problem for maximum pentagon packings, J. Combin.
Math. Combin. Comput., to appear.
On the volume of 5-cycle trades, Graphs Combin., to appear.
[see also: Billington]
Manlove, D.
On the algorithmic complexity of twelve covering and independence
parameters of graphs, Discrete Applied Maths, 91 (1999), 155-175.
The structure of stable marriage with indifference, submitted.
Manlove, D., Irving, R.W., Iwama, K. and Morita, Y.
Hard variants of stable marriage, submitted.
[see also: Irving]
Mavron, V.C., McDonough, T.P. and Pallikaros, C.A.
A Difference Matrix Construction and a Class of Generalized Balanced
Weighing Matrices, Archiv der Mathematik, to appear.
On Symmetric Nets and Generalized Hadamard Matrices from Affine Designs, J.
Statistical Planning and Inference, to appear.
Maynard, P. and Siemons, I.J.
On the reconstruction index of permutation groups I: Semi-regular
groups, submitted.
[McAlpine, K.M.: see Hoggar]
McDonough, T.P. and Pallikaros, C.A.
On the Irreducible Representations of the Specializations of the Generic
Hecke Algebra of type F 4, Journal of Algebra, 218 (1999), 654-671.
On the Irreducible Representations of the Specializations in Characteristics 2
and 3 of the Generic Hecke Algebra of type F 4, Journal of Algebra, to
McDonough, T.P., Mavron, V.C. and Pallikaros, C.A.
Generalised Hadamard Matrices and Translations, J. Statistical
Planning and Inference, to appear.
[see also; Mavron]
McKee, J.F., Rowlinson, P. and Smyth, C.J.
Salem numbers and Pisot numbers from stars, in Number Theory in
Progress, in (Györy K., Iwaniec H. and Urbanowicz J., eds.), Proc.
International Conference on Number Theory (Zakopane, Poland, 1997), Part 1:
Diophantine Problems and Polynomials, Walter De Gruyter, Berlin (1999), 309-319.
Mendelsohn, E. and Webb, B.S.
Orbits on cycles of automorphisms, Util. Math., to appear.
Metsch, K. and Webb, B.S.
A note on the cycle structure of automorphisms of 2-
(v,k,1) designs, Ars Combin., 51 (1999), 224-228.
[Mitra, G.; see: Gulpinar]
Mnukhin V.B. and Siemons, I.J.
On modular homology in projective space , Journal of Pure and Applied
Algebra, to appear.
On modular homology I: Shellable complexes and partially ordered sets, Journal Combinatorial Theory A, to appear.
On modular homology of 1-shellable complexes, Discrete Mathematics, submitted.
On modular homology II: Coxeter Complexes and Tits Buildings, submitted.
Morgan, J.P., Preece, D.A. and Rees, D.H.
Nested balanced incomplete block designs, submitted.
[Nash-Williams, C.St.J.A.; see: Hilton]
Noble, S. and Welsh, D.
A weighted graph polynomial from Vassiliev invariants, Annales de
l'institute Fourier, 49(3), (1999), 1057-1087.
Knot Graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, to appear.
[O'Connor. J.J.; see: Ayik]
Owens, P.J.
Shortness parameters for polyhedral graphs, Discrete Maths., 206
(1999), 159-169.
Non-hamiltonian maximal planar graphs of high toughness, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., 18 (1999), 89-103.
[see also: Dénes, Jendrol]
Paterson, K.G.,
Imprimitive permutation groups and trapdoors in
iterated block ciphers, in Proceedings, Fast Software Encryption
Workshop, (ed. Knudsen, L.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1636,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1999), 201-214.
Applications of exponential sums in communications theory, in Cryptography and Coding (ed. Walker, M.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1746, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1999), 1-24.
Generalised Reed-Muller codes and power control in OFDM modulation, IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, to appear.
Paterson, K.G. and Tarokh, V.
On the existence and construction of good codes with low peak-to-average
power ratios, submitted.
[see also: Davis, Lauder]
[Paterson, M.; see: Goldberg]
Pavcevic, M.-O. and Spence, E.
Some new symmetric designs, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 7
(1999), 426-430.
Some new symmetric designs with (lambda) = 10 having an automorphism of
order 5, Discrete Maths.,196 (1999), 257-266.
Payne, R.W., Harding, S.A., Dhaliwal, J.A. and Dhaliwal, S.S.
A data warehouse for designed experiments, Computational
Statistics, submitted.
[see also: Brier]
Perkins, S. and Escott, A.E.
Synchronising codewords of q-ary Huffmann codes , Discrete
Mathematics, 197/198 (1999), 637-655.
Perkins, S. and Smith, D.H.
A scheme for the synchronisation of variable length codes, Discrete
Applied Mathematics, to appear.
Perkins, S. and Escott, A.E.
Synchronising codewords of q-ary Huffmann codes , Discrete
Mathematics, 197/198 (1999), 637-655.
Perkins, S. and Smith, D.H.
A scheme for the synchronisation of variable length codes, Discrete
Applied Mathematics, to appear.
[see also: Escott]
Peterson, D. and Woodall, D.R
Edge-choosability in line-perfect multigraphs, Discrete Math. 202
(1999), 191-199.
Phillips, N.C.K. and Preece, D.A.
Tight single-change covering designs with v = 12, k = 4, Discrete
Mathematics, 197/198 (1999), 657-670.
Potts, C.N. and Kovalyov, M.Y.
Scheduling with batching: a review, European Journal of Operational
Research, 120 (2000), 228-249.
[see also: Brailsford, Chen, Crauwels, Gerodimos, Glass, Gupta]
Preece, D.A., Rees, D. H. and Morgan, J.P.
Doubly nested balanced incomplete block designs, Congressus
Numerantium, to appear.
Preece, D.A. and Vowden, B.J.
Some series of cyclic balanced hyper-Graeco-Latin superimpositions of
Youden squares, Discrete Mathematics, 197/198 (1999), 671-682.
Preece, D.A., Vowden, B.J. and Phillips, N.C.K.
Double Youden rectangles of sizes p x (2p+1) and (p+1) x (2p+1) , Ars
Combinatoria, 51 (1999), 161-171.
Double Youden rectangles of sizes (p+1) x (p^{2}+p+1), Utilitas Mathematica, to appear.
[see also: Lamb, Morgan, Phillips, Rees, Vouden]
Prince, A.R.
Projective planes of order 12 and PG(3,3), Discrete Math.,
208/209 (1999), 477-483.
Flag-transitive affine planes of order 64, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 18 (1999), 217-221.
Two new families of commutative semifields, Bull L.M.S., to appear.
Flag-transitive affine planes of order at most 125, J. Geometry, to appear.
Covering sets of spreads in PG(3,q), submitted.
A permutation problem for finite fields, submitted.
Quinn, K.A.S.
Difference matrices and orthomorphisms over non-abelian groups, Ars
Combin., 52 (1999), 289-295.
Bounds for key distribution patterns, J. Cryptology, 12 (1999), 227-239.
[see also: Allston, Bowler, Grannell]
Rees, D.H.
Some new generalised Kirkman systems, Utilitas Mathematica, to
Nested pergolas, submitted.
Rees, D.H. and Preece, D.A.
Perfect Graeco-Latin balanced incomplete block designs (pergolas),
Discrete Mathematics, 197/198 (1999), 691-712.
[see also: Morgan, Preece]
Robertshaw, A.M. and Woodall, D.R.
Triangles and neighbourhoods of independent sets in graphs, submitted.
Binding number conditions for matching extension, submitted.
[Robertson, E.F.; see: Campbell, Duncan, Hermann, Linton]
Rowlinson, P. and Bell, F.K.
Graph Eigenspaces of small codimension, Discrete Math., to
[see also: Bell, Cvetkovic, Jackson,, Liu, McKee]
[Ruskuc, N.; see: Araujo, Arthur, Ayik, Campbell, Crvenkovic, Duncan,
Hermann, Linton]
Sands, A.D.
Simulated Factorizations III, Algebra Coll., 6 (1999), 177-185.
Replacement of factors by subgroups in the factorization of Abelian groups, Bull. London Math. Soc., to appear.
[see also: Corradi]
Shaw, R.
A property of A 7, and a maximal 3-dimensional linear section of
GL(4,2), Discrete Math., 197/198 (1999), 733-747.
Configurations of planes in PG(5,2), Discrete Math., 208/209 (1999), 529- 546.
Subsets of PG(n,2) and maximal partial spreads in PG(4,2), submitted.
[see also: Gordon]
Siemons, I.J. and Zalesski, A.E.
Intersections of matrix algebras and permutation representations of
PSL(n,q), Journal of Algebra, to appear.
Regular orbits of abelian groups in permutation represenations of PSL(n,q) , J. Algebra, to appear.
[see also Bell, Dent, Mnukhin]
Sittampalam, A.G. and Keedwell, A.D.
Critical sets for dehedral groups, Ars Combinatoria, to appear.
[Smith,D.H.; see Allen, Hurley, Perkins]
Suprunenko, I.D. and Zalesski, A.E.
Irreducible representations of finite groups of exceptional Lie type
containing matrices with simple spectra, Comm. Algebra, to appear.
Surowski, D.B. and Jones, G.A.
Cohomological Constructions of Regular Cyclic Coverings of the Platonic
Maps, European J. Combinatorics, to appear.
[Thomas, R.M.; see: Campbell]
Tiep, P.H. and Zalesski, A.E.
Some aspects of finite linear groups: A survey, submitted.
Vowden, B.J.
A new infinite series of double Youden rectangles, Ars
Combinatoria, to appear.
Vowden, B.J. and Preece, D.A.
Some new infinite series of Freeman-Youden rectangles, Ars
Combinatoria, 51 (1999), 49-63.
[see also: Preece]
Webb, B.S.
Infinite designs with more point orbits than block orbits, Ars
Combin., 53 (1999), 291-308.
Infinite block designs and Fisher's inequality, submitted.
[Welsh, D.; see: Noble]
[Whitaker, R.; see: Bedford]
[Whitehead, C.A.; see: Grannell)
Whitty, R.
Mathematics: problem solving or theory building, Mathematics
Today, 34(3), (1998) 70-73.
Wilson, R.J.
Graph theory, Chapter 17 of History of Topology (ed. I. M.
James), Elsevier Science, B. V., (1999), 503-529.
[see also: Aldous]
Woodall, D.R.
Edge-choosability of multicircuits, Discrete Maths., 202 (1999),
[see also: Borodin, Fishburn, Fon-der-Flaass, Kostochka, Peterson, Robertshaw]
Zalesski, A.E.
Minimal polynomials of elements of prime order in representations of
quasi-simple finite groups, J. London Math. Soc., 59 (1999), 845-866.
Zalesski, A.E. and Dixon, J.
Finite primitive linear groups of prime degree, J. London Math.
Soc., 57(2), (1998), 126-134.
Zalesski, A.E. and Suprunenko, I.D.
Irreducible representations of finite classical groups containing
matrices with simple spectra, Comm. Algebra, 26 (1998), 863-888
[see also: Baronov, Kondratiev, Siemons, Suprunenko, Tiep]
[Zverovich, A.; see: Glover, Gulpinar]
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