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List C Recent and forthcoming publications |
Alabdullatif, M. and Walker, K.
Maximum graphs not spannable by r disjoint paths, Discrete Mathematics 208/209(1999), pp9-12.
Aldous, J.M. and Wilson, R.J.
Graphs and Applications: An Introductory Approach, Springer, London, 2000.
Allston, J.L., Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S., Quinn, K.A.S. and Stanton, R.G.
On exact bicoverings of 12 points, Ars Combin., 55 (2000),147-159.
Allston, J.L., Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S., and Stanton, R.G.
Pairwise balanced designs on 4s+1 points with longest block of cardinality 2s. Util. Math, 58 (2000), 97-107.
Alpern, S.
Asymmetric Rendezvous Search on the Circle, Dynamics and Control, Vol. 10, 33-45.
Alpern, S.
Rendezvous Search: A Personal Perspective, CDAM Research Report Series 2000-05 (to appear in Operations Research).
Alpern, S.
Rendezvous Search on Labelled Networks’, CDAM Research Report Series 2000-10
Alpern, S. and Beck, A
Pure Strategy Asymmetric Rendezvous on the Line with an Unknown Initial Distance, Operations Research, Vol. 48, No. 3, 498-501.
Alpern, S. and Gal, S
Searching For An Agent Who May Or May Not Want To Be Found, CDAM Research Report Series 2000-14 (to appear in Operations Research).
Alpern, S. and Howard, J.V.
Alternating Search at Two Locations, CDAM Research Report Series 2000-08
Anderson, I.
Early whist tournaments of Whitfeld and Mitchell, and a hidden treasure, Bulletin of I.C.A. 29 (2000) 89-93
Anderson, I.
A first course in discrete mathematics, Springer 2000
Anderson, I. and Finizio, N. J.
On the construction of directed triplewhist tournaments, J. Combinatorial Math. and Combin. Computing, to appear
Anderson, I. and Preece, D. A.
Locally balanced change-over designs, Utilitas Math., to appear.
Andrews, G.E. and Lewis, R.P.,
The ranks and cranks of partitions moduli 2, 3 and 4, J. Number Theory 85 (2000), 74-84.
Andrews, G.E. and Lewis, R.P.,
Restricted bipartitions, Discrete Math. , to appear.
Andrews, G.E., Lewis, R.P. and Liu, Z.-G.,
An identity relating a theta function and a sum of Lambert series, Bull. London Math. Soc. 33 (2001), 25-31.
Andrews, G.E. Lewis, R.P. and Lovejoy, J.
An algebraic identity of F.H. Jackson and its implications for partitions, Discrete Math. , to appear.
Andrews, G.E. Lewis, R.P. and Lovejoy, J.
Partitions with designated parts, submitted.
Anthony, M., and Bartlett, P.
Function learning from interpolation, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, (2000), 213-225.
Araujo, I. M., Branco, M.J.J., Fernandez, V.H., Gomes G. M. S. and Ruskuc N.
On generators and relations for unions of semigroups, Semigroup Forum, to appear.
Araujo, I. M. and Ruskuc, N.
On finite presentability of direct products of semigroups, Algebra Colloq. 7 (2000), 83 -91.
Araujo, I. M. and Ruskuc, N.
Finite presentability of Bruck-Reilly extensions of groups, J. Algebra, to appear.
Arthur, R.E. and Ruskuc, N.
Presentations for two extensions of the monoid of order-preserving mappings on a finite set, Southeast Asian Math. Bull. 24 (2000), 1 - 7.
Atkinson, M.D., Murphy, M. M. and Ruskuc, N.
Sorting with two ordered stacks in series, submitted for publication.
Ayik, H., Campbell, C. M., O'Connor, J.J. and Ruskuc, N.
Minimal presentations and efficiency of semigroups, Semigroup Forum 60 (2000), 231 - 242.
Ayik, H., Campbell, C. M., O'Connor, J.J. and Ruskuc, N.
On the efficiency of wreath products of groups, in Proc. Groups Korea '98 (edited by Y. G. Baik, D. L. Johnson and A. C. Kim, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin New York, 2000), 39 - 51.
Ayik, H., Campbell, C. M., O'Connor, J.J. and Ruskuc, N.
On the efficiency of finite simple semigroups, Turkish J. Math. 24 (2000), 129 - 146.
Ayik, H., Campbell, C. M., O'Connor, J.J. and Ruskuc, N.
The semigroup efficiency of direct powers of groups, in Proc. Internat. Conf. on Semigroups, Braga, Portugal 18 - 23 June 1999 (edited by Paula Smith, Emilia Giraldes and Paula Martins, World Scientific, Singapore 2000), 19 - 25.
Ball, S., Hill, R., Landjev, I. and Ward, H.
On (q^2 +q+2, q+2)-arcs in the projective plane PG(2,q), Designs, Codes and Cryptography, to appear.
Barat, J., Edel, Y., Hill, R., Jones, C., Landjev, I. and Storme, L.
Caps in PG(5,3) and PG(6,3), Proc. of Seventh International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Bansko, Bulgaria (2000), 65-67.
Bedford, D. and Johnson, M.
Weak uniquely completable sets for finite groups, The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 32(2000), pp 155-162.
Bedford, D. and Johnson, M.
Weak critical sets in cyclic Latin squares, The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, to appear.
Bedford, D., Ollis, M.A. and Whitaker, R.
On bipartite tournaments balanced with respect to carry-over effects for both teams, Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
Bedford, D. and Whitaker, R.
New and old values for Maximal MOLS(n), Ars Combinatoria, 54(2000), pp 255-258.
Bedford, D. and Whitaker, R.
Large sets of mutually quasi-orthogonal Latin squares, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 32(2000), pp 299-310.
Bedford, D. and Whitaker, R.
Bounds on the number of Latin squares in a mutually quasi-orthogonal set, Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
Bedford, D. and Whitaker, R.
A new construction for efficient semi-Latin squares, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, to appear.
Bedford, D. and Whitehouse, D.
Products of uniquely completable partial Latin squares, Utilitas Mathematica, to appear.
Bell, F.K., Cvetkovic, D., Rowlinson, P. and Simic, S.
Some additions to the theory of star partitions of graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 19, 119-134,1999
[see also: Rowlinson, P.]
Bennett, G.K., Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
Bi-embeddings of the projective space PG(3,2). J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 86 (2000), 321-329.
Bennett, G.K., Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
Cyclic bi-embeddings of Steiner triple systems on 31 points, Glasg. Math. J., to appear.
Bennett, G.K., Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
Bi-embeddings of Steiner triple systems of order 15, Graphs Combin., to appear.
Bennett, G.K., Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
On cyclic bi-embeddings of Steiner triple systems of order 12s+7, submitted.
Bennett, G.K., Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.
On the bi-embeddability of certain Steiner triple systems of order 15, submitted.
Biggs, N.
A matrix method for chromatic polynomials – II. CDAM Research Report Series 2000-04, April 2000.
Biggs, N.
Equimodular curves. CDAM Research Report Series 2000-17, September 2000.
Biggs, N. and Reinfeld, P.
The chromatic roots of the generalised dodecahedra. CDAM Research Report Series 2000-07, May 2000.
Blackburn, S.R. and Teske, E.
Baby-step giant-step algorithms for non-uniform distributions, in Proceedings of ANTS IV, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1838, W. Bosma (Ed.) (Springer, Berlin, 2000),pp. 153-168.
Blackburn, S.R. and Galbraith, S.D.
Certification of secure RSA keys, Electronics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2000), pp. 29-30.
Blackburn, S.R.
Perfect hash families: probabilistic methods and explicit constructions, J. Comb. Theory - Series A, Vol. 92 (2000), pp. 54-60.
Blokhuis, A., Hirschfeld, J.W.P., Jungnickel, D. and Thas, J.A.
(eds.), Finite Geometries, Fourth Isle of Thorns Conference (2000), Developments in Mathematics, Kluwer, 2001.
Bonnington, C.P., Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Siran, J.
Exponential families of non-isomorphic triangulations of complete graphs. J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B, 78 (2000), 169-184.
Borodin, O. V. and Woodall, D. R.
Cyclic colourings of 3-polytopes with large maximum face size, submitted.
Bowler, A., Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Quinn, K.A.S.
On directed designs with block size five, J. Geom, 67 (2000), p50-60.
Brightwell, G and Bollobás, B.
Convex bodies, graphs and partial orders, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 80, (2000), 415-450.
Brightwell, G and Winkler, P.
Gibbs measures and dismantlable graphs, J. Combinatorial Theory (B) 78, (2000), 141-166.
Brightwell, G and Winkler, P.
Random colorings of a Cayley tree, CDAM Research Report 2000-01 (To appear in a volume devoted to papers for the first meeting of the Erdös Institute – B. Bollobás Ed.)
Brightwell, G, Oriolo, G. and Shepherd, F.B.
Reserving resilient capacity with upper bound constraints, CDAM Research Report LSE-CDAM 2000-03.
Brightwell, G, Bekmetjev, A., Czygrinow, A. and Hurlbert, G.
Thresholds for families of multisets, with an application to graph pebbling, CDAM Research Report 2000-18
Bryant, D.E., Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Maenhaut, B.M.
On the volume of 4-cycle trades, submitted.
Bryant, D. and Maenhaut, B.
Common multiples of complete graphs, submitted.
Burgess, D. R. B.
Weakly completable sets in latin squares, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. To appear.
Burgess, D. R. B. and Keedwell, A. D.
Weakly completable critical sets for proper vertex and edge coourings of graphs. Australas. J. Combin., To appear
Burmester, M., Desmedt, Y.G., Itoh, T., Sakurai, K. and Shizuya, H.
Divertible and subliminal-free zero-knowledge proofs of languages, The Journal of Cryptology, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 12(3) pp. 197--223, 1999.
Bussemaker, F. C., Haemers, W. H. and Spence, E.
The search for pseudo orthogonal Latin squares of order 6, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 21 (2000), 77-82.
Camina, A R
see http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h320/arc.html
Campbell, C. M., Mitchell, J. D. and Ruskuc, N.
On defining groups efficiently without using inverses, submitted for publication.
Campbell, C. M., Havas, G., Hulpke, J. A. and Robertson, E. F.
The simple group L_{3}(5) is efficient, Comm. Algebra, to appear.
Campbell, C. M., Robertson, E. F., Ruskuc, N. and Thomas, R. M.
Automatic semigroups, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 250 (2001), 365 - 391.
Campbell, C. M., Robertson, E. F., Ruskuc, N. and Thomas, R. M.
Direct products of automatic semigroups, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 69 (2000), 19 - 24.
Campbell, C.M., Robertson, E.F., Ruskuc, N. and Thomas, R.M.
Automatic completely-simple semigroups, Acta. Math. Hungar., to appear.
[see also: Ayik, H.]
Christie, D. A. and Irving, R. W.
Sorting strings by reversals and by transpositions, SIAM J. on Discrete Math., to appear.
Cohen, S. D. and Kuzjurin, N. N.
On the packing radius and covering radius of equal-weight codes, Discrete Math. 213 (2000), 35-42.
Colbourn, C.J., Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Ling, A.C.H.,
Construction techniques for anti-Pasch Steiner triple systems, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 61 (2000), 641-657.
Cooper, S., Hirschhorn, M. and Lewis, R.P.,
Powers of Euler's product and related identities, Ramanujan J. 4 (2000), 137-155.
Cormode, G., Paterson, M. S., Sahinalp, S. C. and Vishkin, U.
Communication complexity of document exchange, Proceedings of the 11th ACM-SIAM Annual Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 197-206, San Francisco, CA, 2000
Cossidente, A., Hirschfeld, J.W.P., Korchmàros, G. and Torres, F.
On plane maximal curves, Compositio Math. 121 (2000), 163-181.
Crvenkovic, S., Dolinka, I. and Ruskuc, N.
Notes on the number of operations of finite semigroups, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 66 (2000), 19 - 24.
Cvetkovic, D., Rowlinson, P. and Simic, S.
Some characterizations of graphs by star complements, Linear Algebra and its Applications 301, 81-97 1999
Dénes, J. and Keedwell, A. D.
Some applications of non-associative algebraic systems in cryptography. Submitted
Dent, S.
see http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h260/
Descalco, L. and Ruskuc, N.
On automatic Rees matrix semigroups, submitted for publication.
Doostie, H. and Campbell, C. M.
Fibonacci length of automorphism groups involving Tribonacci numbers, Vietnam J. Math. 28 (2000), 57 - 66.
Dyer, M., Goldberg, L. A., Greenhill, C., Istrate, G. and Jerrum, M.
Convergence of the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma game, Research Report 376, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK (Oct 2000).
Dyer, M., Goldberg, L. A., Greenhill, C. and Jerrum, M.
On the relative complexity of approximate counting problems, Proceedings of APPROX 2000, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol 1913 pages 108--119
Dyer, M., Goldberg, L. A., Greenhill, C., Jerrum, M. and Mitzenmacher, M.
An extension of path coupling and its application to the Glauber dynamics for graph colourings, Proc. 11th Annual ACM-SIAM Symp. on Disc. Algorithms (SODA'00), 616--624.
Dzamonja, M
see http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h020/papers.html
Evans, D. M.
see http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h120/publications.html
Fishburn, P. C. and Woodall, D. R.
Cycle orders, Order 16 (1999), 149-164.
Giulietti, M., Hirschfeld, J.W.P., and Korchmàros, G.,
The Desarguesian plane of order thirteen, Finite Geometries, Developments in Mathematics, Kluwer, Boston, 2001, 159-170.
Goldberg, L.A. and Jerrum, M.
Counting unlabelled subtrees of a tree is #P-Complete, LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 3 (2000) 117-124.
Goldberg, L.A. and Jerrum, M.
Randomly sampling molecules, SIAM J. Comput. 29 (2000), 834--853.
Goldberg, L.A., Jerrum, M., Kannan, S. and Paterson, M.
A bound on the capacity of backoff and acknowledgement-based protocols. Proc. 27th Int. Colloq. on Automata, Languages and Programming ICALP'00), Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci. 1853, Springer-Verlag, 2000, 705--716.
[see also: Dyer, M.]
Gordon, N.A., Shaw, R. and Soicher, L.H.
Classification of partial spreads in PG(4,2), (65 pages accessible from: http://www.hull.ac.uk/maths/research/2000/ )
Grannell, M.J. and Griggs, T.S.,
The Pasch configuration, Kluwer Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, to appear.
Grannell, M., Griggs, T. and Hill, R.
The triangle chromatic index of Steiner triple systems, Australasian J of Combinatorics, to appear.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S., and Holroyd, F.C.
Cuboctahedron designs, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 35 (2000), 185-191.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S., and Holroyd, F.C.
Modular gracious labellings of trees, Discrete Math., to appear.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S., Kocay, W.L., Quinn, K.A.S. and Stanton, R.G.
Proper edge-colourings of complete graphs, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 33 (2000), 103-116.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Quinn, K.A.S.
All admissible 3-(v,4,l ) directed designs exist, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 35 (2000), 65-70.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S., Quinn, K.A.S. and Stanton, R.G.
Non-isomorphic solutions for some triple systems with bipoints J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 34 (2000), 51-58.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S., Quinn, K.A.S. and Stanton, R.G.
Triple systems with tripoints, Util. Math., 57 (2000), 97-108.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Rosa, A.
Three-line chromatic indices of Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs and A. Rosa.) Australas. J. Combin., 21 (2000), 67-84.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S., and Siran, J.
Recursive constructions for triangulations, submitted.
Grannell, M.J., Griggs, T.S. and Whitehead, C.A.
The resolution of the anti-Pasch conjecture, J. Combin. Des. 8 (2000), 300-309.
[see also: Allston, Bennett, Bonnington, Bowler, Bryant, Colbourn]
Gray, D.
see http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h120/publications.html
[Griggs, T. S. see also Allston, Bennett, Bonnington, Bowler, Bryant, Colbourn, Grannell]
Gulpinar, N., Gutin, G. and Mitra, G.
Detecting embedded networks in LP using GUB Structures and Independent Set Algorithms, Computational Optimization and Applications. 15 (2000) 235--247.
Gutin, G. and Zverovich, A.
Evaluation of the contract-or-patch heuristic for the asymmetric TSP, submitted.
Haemers, W.H. and Spence,E.
The pseudo-geometric graphs for generalised quadrangles of order (3,t), to appear.
Hall, N.G., Potts, C.N. and Sriskandarajah, C.
Parallel machine scheduling with a common server, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 102 (2000) 223-243.
van den Heuvel, J and Pejic, S.
Using Laplacian Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in the Analysis of Frequency Assignment Problems, CDAM Research Report, 2000-20
Hill, R., Landjev, I., Jones, C., Storme, L. and Barat, J.
On complete caps in the projective geometries over F¬3, Journal of Geometry, 67 (2000), 127-144.
[see also: Ball, Barat, Grannell]
Hiltgen, A.P. and Paterson, K.G.
Single-Track Circuit Codes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, to appear.
Hilton, A.J.W., Holroyd, F.C. and Zhao, C.
The overfull conjecture and the conformability conjecture, Discrete Math., to appear.
Hirschfeld, J.W.P.
(ed.), Surveys in Combinatorics, 2001 , London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series 288, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001.
Hirschfeld, J.W.P. and Korchmàros, G.,
Arcs and curves over a finite field, Bull. London Math. Soc. 33 (2001), 16-24.
Hirschfeld, J.W.P. and Storme, L.,
The packing problem in statistics, coding theory and finite projective spaces; update 2001, Finite Geometries , Developments in Mathematics, Kluwer, Boston, 2001, 201-246.
[see also Blokhuis, Cossidente, Guilietti]
Hoffmann, M., Ruskuc, N. and Thomas, R. M.
Automatic semigroups with subsemigroups of finite Rees index, Internat. J. Algebra Comput., to appear.
[Holroyd, F.C.: see Grannell, Hilton, Johnson]
Hoogeveen, J.A., Potts, C.N. and Woeginger, G.J.
On-line scheduling on a single machine: Maximizing the number of early jobs, Operations Research Letters 27 (2000) 193-197.
How Tai Wah, K. S.
A theoretical study of fault coupling, Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 10 (1), 2000, 3-45.
How Tai Wah, K. S.
Theoretical insights into the coupling effect, to appear in Proc. Mutation 2000, San Josa, USA, October, 2000, Kluwer Academic.
Hurley, S. and Smith, D.H.
Meta-heuristics and channel assignment, Methods and Algorithms for Radio Channel Assignment (ed. R. Leese and S. Hurley), OUP, to appear.
Irving, R.W. and Manlove, D.F.
The superstable roommates problem, submitted.
Irving, R.W. , Manlove, D.F. and Scott, S.
The hospitals/residents problem with ties, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1851, (2000), 259-271.
[see also, Christie, Manlove]
Jendrol, S. and Owens, P.J.
On light graphs in 3-connected plane graphs without triangular or quadrangular faces. Submitted
Jennings S. M. and Hashim A.,
A Class of Nested Linear Block Codes And Their Decoding Algorithm, IEE Proceedings Communications, vol 147, no 4, August 2000
Jerrum, M., Sinclair, A. and Vigoda, E.
A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix, Electronic Colloq. on Computational Complexity, TR00-079, 2000.
[see also, Dyer, Goldberg]
Johnson, A. and Holroyd, F.C.
Chromatic properties of subgraphs of Kneser graphs, submitted.
Jones, P. R.
see http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h260/
Jungnickel, D., Mavron, V. C. and McDonough, T. P.
The geometry of frequency squares. Submitted
Keedwell, A. D.
Crossed-inverse quasigroups with long inverse cycles and applications to cryptography, Australs. J. Combin. 20 (1999), 241-250.
Keedwell, A. D.
Designing tournaments with the aid of latin squares: a presentation of old and new results. Utilitas Math., to appear.
Keedwell, A. D.
Square/triangular numbers. Math gazette, Note No. 84.39, 84 (2000), 292-294.
Keedwell, A. D.
A characterization of the Jacobi logarithms of a finite field. Discrete Math., to appear.
Keedwell, A. D.
Construction, properties and applications of finite neofields. In Proc. ‘Loops 99’, Prague, 27 July-1 Aug., 1999. Comment. Math. Univer. Carolinae 41 (2000). 283-297.
Keedwell, A. D.
Critical sets in latin squares. Math. Gazette, to appear 2001-02-07.
[see also: Burgess, Dénes, Sittampalam]
Kostochka, A. V. and Woodall, D. R.
On the number of edges in hypergraphs critical with respect to strong colourings, European J. Combin 21 2000), 249-255.
Kostochka, A. V. and Woodall, D. R.
Sparse sets in the complements of graphs with given girth, Discrete Math, to appear.
Kostochka, A. V. and Woodall, D. R.
Choosability conjectures and multicircuits, Discrete Math. to appear.
Kostochka, A. V. and Woodall, D. R.
Density conditions for panchromatic colourings of hypergraphs, submitted.
Kostochka, A. V. and Woodall, D. R.
Total choosability of multicircuits I, submitted.
Kostochka, A. V. and Woodall, D. R.
Total choosability of multicircuits II, submitted.
Krasikov, I. and Roditty, Y.
On some Ramsey numbers of unicyclic graphs, Bulletin of the ICA, to appear.
Krasikov, I., Lev, A. and Thatte, B.D.
Upper bounds on the automorphism group of graphs, submitted.
Krasikov, I. and Litsyn, S.
An improved upper bound on the minimum distance of doubly-even self-dual codes, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Vol.46 No.51 (2000) 274-278.
Krasikov, I. and Litsyn, S.
On the distance distribution of BCH codes and their duals, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, to appear.
Kularajan, K., Mitra, G., Ellison, F. and Nygreen, B.
Constraint classification, preprocessing and a branch and relax approach to solving mixed integer programming models, Mathematical Algorithms, 2 (2000) 1--45.
Lauder, A. G. B. and Paterson, K. G.
Computing the error linear complexity spectrum of a binary sequence of period 2^n, submitted, 2000.
Lewis, R. P.,
The number of spanning trees of a complete multipartite graph, Discrete Math. 197/198 (1999), 537-541.
Lewis, R. P. and Liu, Z. G.,
On an identity of Ramanujan, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. , to appear.
Lewis, R. P. and Liu, Z. G.,
A conjecture of Hirschhorn on the 4-dissection of Ramanujan's continued fraction, Ramanujan J., to appear.
Lewis, R. P. and Liu, Z. G.,
q-elliptic functions, Ramanujan J., to appear.
[see also: Andrews, Cooper]
Lloyd, E.K.
Redfield's 1937 lecture, MatCh No 41, March 2000, 29-41.
Linton, S.A., Pfeiffer, G., Robertson, E.F. and Ruskuc, N.
Computing in transformation monoids, J. Symb. Comput., to appear.
Liu, B. and Rowlinson, P.
Dominating properties of star complements Publ. Inst. Math. Beograd 68(82), 46-52, 2000
Luczak, M.J. and Noble, S.D.
Optimal Arrangement of Data in a Tree Directory, Discrete Applied Math., to appear.
Maenhaut, B.M.
The intersection problem for maximum pentagon packings, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 32 (2000), 65-78.
On the volume of 5-cycle trades, Graphs Combin., to appear.
[see also: Bryant]
Manlove, D. F.
The structure of stable marriage with indifference, submitted.
Manlove, D. F., Irving, R.W., Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Morita, Y.
Hard variants of stable marriage, Theoretical Computer Science, to appear.
Mavron, V. C. and Tonchev, V. D.
On symmetric nets and generalised Hadamard matrices from affine designs. J. Geom. 67, (2000), 180-187
Mavron, V. C.
Frequency squares and affine designs, Electronic J. Comb.7,(2000), R56
Mavron, V. C.
A construction method for complete sets of mutually orthogonal frequency squares, Electronic J. Comb.7, (2000), N5
[see also: Jungnickel, McDonough]
McKay, B. and Spence, E.
The classification of regular two-graphs on 36 and 38 vertices, Australasian J. Combinatorics, to appear.
McDonough, T. P., Mavron, V. C. and Pallikaros, C. A.
A Difference Matrix Construction and a Class of Balanced Generalized Weighing Matrices, Archiv der Mathematik, (to appear in 2001)
McDonough, T. P. and Pallikaros, C. A. ,
On the Irreducible Representations of the Specializations in Characteristics 2 and 3 of the Generic Hecke Algebra of Type F4, Journal of Algebra, Vol. 226 (2000), 857-864.
McDonough, T. P., Mavron, V. C. and Pallikaros, C. A.
Generalised Hadamard Matrices and Translations, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 86 (2000), 527-533.
Mendelsohn, E. and Webb, B.S.
Orbits on cycles of automorphisms, Util. Math., 58 (2000) 34-44.
Montemanni, R., Smith D.H. and Allen, S.M.,
Lower bounds for fixed spectrum frequency assignment, submitted.
Morgan, J. P., Preece, D. A. and Rees, D. H.
Nested balanced incomplete block designs, Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
Mnukhin, V.B.
see http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h260/
Ng, S. L. and Wild, P. R .
A new family of extended generalized quadrangles of order (q+1,q-1). Europ. J. Comb. 21 (2000) 395-406.
Noble, S.D. and Welsh, D.J.A.
Knot Graphs. Journal of Graph Theory. Vol. 34 (2000) 100--111.
Noble, S.D.
Evaluating the Rank Generating Function of a Graphic 2-Polymatroid, submitted.
[see also: Luczak]
Otto, F. and Ruskuc, N.
Confluent monadic string-rewriting systems and automatic structures, submitted for publication.
Owens, P.J.
[see: Jendrol, S.]
Paterson, K.G.
Generalised Reed-Muller Codes and Power Control in OFDM, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 46 (1) (2000), 104-120.
Paterson, K.G. and Jones, A.E.
Efficient Decoding Algorithms for Generalised Reed-Muller Codes, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 48 (8) (2000), 1272-1285.
Paterson, K.G. and Tarokh, V.
On the existence and construction of good codes with low peak-to-average power ratios, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 46(6) (2000), 1974-1987.
[see also: Hiltgen, Lauder.]
[Pejic, S. see: van den Heuvel.]
Perkins, S. and Smith, D.H.
A scheme for the synchronisation of variable length codes, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 101 (2000) 231-245
Perkins S. and Escott, A.E.
Extended synchronizing codewords for q-ary complete prefix codes, to appear in Discrete Mathematics, (2001)
Preece, D. A. and Phillips, N. C. K.
Euler at the bowling green, Utilitas Mathematica to appear.
Preece, D. A., Rees, D. H. and Morgan, J. P.
Doubly nested balanced incomplete block designs, Congressus Numerantium 137 (1999), 5-18.
Preece, D. A., Vowden, B. J. and Phillips, N. C. K.
Double Youden rectangles of sizes (p+1) x (p^2+p+1), Utilitas Mathematica to appear.
[see also: Anderson, Morgan.]
Prowse, A. and Woodall, D. R.
Choosability of powers of circuits, submitted.
[Quinn, K.A.S.; see Allston, Grannell]
Rashwan, O.
see http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h120/publications.html
Rautenbach, D. and Zverovich, V.E.
Perfect graphs of strong domination and independent strong domination. Discrete Math., to appear.
Ravindran, S., Gibbons, A. M. and Paterson, M. S.
Dense edge-disjoint embedding of complete binary trees in interconnection networks, Theoretical Computer Science, 249 (2000), 325—342. Previously appeared in Proceedings of the Ninth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, (AWOCA’98).
Redfield, J.H.
Group theory applied to combinatory analysis, MatCh No 41, March 2000, 7-27 (text of a lecture delivered at the University of Pennsylvania on 10 December 1937, before the Graduate Mathematics Club).
[see also: Lloyd, E. K.]
Rees, D. H.
Some new generalised Kirkman systems, Utilitas Mathematica 56 (1999), 177-199.
Rees, D. H.
Nested pergolas, submitted.
[Reinfeld, P. see: Biggs.]
Robertshaw, A. M. and Woodall, D. R.
Triangles and neighbourhoods of independent sets in graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 80 (2000), 123-129.
Robertshaw, A. M. and Woodall, D. R.
Binding number conditions for matching extension, submitted.
Robertson, E.F., Ruskuc, N. and Thomson, M.R.
On diagonal acts of monoids, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., to appear.
Robertson, E.F., Ruskuc, N. and Thomson, M.R.
Finite generation and presentability of wreath products of monoids, submitted for publication.
[see also: Campbell.]
Rowlinson, P.
Star sets and star complements in finite graphs: a spectral construction technique in: Discrete Mathematical Chemistry (DIMACS Workshop, March 1998) DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 51. American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI) (ISBN 0-8218-0987-3) 323-332, 2000
Rowlinson, P.
Star sets in regular graphs J. Comb. Math. & Comb. Computing 34, 3-22, 2000
Rowlinson, P. and Bell, F.K.
Graph eigenspaces of small codimension Discrete Math. 220, 271-278, 2000
[see also: Bell, Cvetkovic, Liu.]
Ruskuc, N.
[see also: Araujo, Arthur, Atkinson, Ayik, Campbell, Crvenkovic, Descalco, Hoffmann, Linton, Otto, Robertson.]
Shaw, R.
Subsets of PG(n,2) and maximal partial spreads in PG(4,2), Designs Codes and Cryptography 21 (2000) 209-222.
Shaw, R.
Partial spreads in PG(4,2): Sym(6) aspects, Submitted.
[see also: Gordon]
Sheehan, J.
see: http://www.maths.abdn.ac.uk/preprints/sheeha_j.html
Sidney, J.B., Potts, C.N. and Sriskandarajah, C.
A heuristic for scheduling two-machine no-wait flowshops with anticipatory setups, Operations Research Letters 26 (2000) 165-173.
Siemons, I. J.
see http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h260/
Singmaster, D.
Some diophantine recreations, The Mathemagician and Pied Piper: A Collection in Tribute to Martin Gardner; ed. by Elwyn R. Berlekamp & Tom Rodgers;. A. K. Peters, Natick, Massachusetts, 1999, pp. 219-235.
Singmaster, D.
Challenge! A generalised magic square, Micromath 16:3 (Autumn 2000)
Singmaster, D.
Quelques problèmes non résolus, Tangente 74 (Avril-Mai 2000) 90. Special issue on Jeux mathématiques. (Reprinted from a 1995 article.)
Sittampalam, A. G. and Keedwell, A. D.
Critical sets for dihedral groups, Ars Combinatoria, to appear.
Smith, D.H., Hurley, S. and Allen, S.M.,
A new lower bound for the channel assignment problem, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 49, No.4, (2000) 1265-1272.
Smith, D.H., Hurley, S. and Allen, S.M.,
Lower bounds for channel assignment, Methods and Algorithms for Radio Channel Assignment , (ed. R. Leese and S. Hurley), OUP, to appear.
Smith, D.H., Allen, S.M. and Hurley, S.
Generation of lower bounds for minimum span frequency assignment, Discrete Applied Mathematics, to appear.
Smith, D.H., Allen, S.M. and Hurley, S.,
Characteristics of good frequency assignment algorithms, submitted.
[see also: Hurley, Montemanni, Perkins.]
Spence, E.
The strongly regular (40,12,2,4) graphs, Electronic J. Combinatorics 7 (2000).
[see also: Bussemaker.]
Spiezia, F
see http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h320/arc.html
Volkmann, L. and Zverovich, V.E.
A disproof of Henning's conjecture on irredundance perfect graphs, submitted.
Volkmann, L. and Zverovich, V.E.
A proof of three conjectures on irredundance perfect graphs, submitted.
Vowden, B. J.
A new infinite series of double Youden rectangles, Ars Combinatoria 56 (2000), 133-145.
[Walker, K.; see Alabdullatif]
[Webb, B.S.; see Mendelsohn]
[Wild, P. R. ; see Ng]
Wilson, R.J.
Combinatorics: a historical and pedagogical approach, in Using History to Teach Mathematics: An International Approach (ed. Victor Katz), MAA Notes #51, Mathematical Association of America, Washington DC, USA, pp.191-199.
[see also: Aldous]
Woodall, D. R.
List colourings of graphs, to appear in Surveys in Combinatorics, 2001.
Woodall, D. R.
Defective choosability results for outerplanar and related graphs, submitted.
Woodall, D. R.
Tutte polynomial expansions for 2-separable graphs, submitted.
[see also: Borodin, Fishburn, Kostochka, Prowse, Robertshaw]
Yamaguci,T., Foulds, L. R. and Lamb, J. D.
Central cycles in graphs, Proc. 18th National Conf. Australian Soc. Operations Res. (1999).
Zalesskii, A. E.
see http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h260/
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